Editorial Guidelines

Contribute to the MeasureMinds blog

Have you written about Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, SEO, CRO or PPC?

The content that we produce is created to help marketers and business owners use intelligent business insights and proven strategies to manage and grow their firms. Our target audience is made up of marketing managers, web analysts, business owners and C-suit executives. They are mostly based in the UK, US and Europe, which is the market that we service.


How to write for us

While our team at MeasureMinds produces most of the content that appears on the website, you may have seen some articles produced by industry experts outside of our agency. These are individuals who have particular insights to share on the topic that they specialise in.

You can contact us with your article pitch through the email william@measuremindsgroup.com. Before sending your inquiry, please read our editorial guidelines:


How to pitch

  • Don’t write your article before pitching to us.
  • Provide 3-5 ideas.
  • Include a target keyword and show the global keyword volume, keyword difficulty and average word count.
  • Content has to be a minimum of 2,000 words. So don’t pitch an idea with an average word count lower than that.


Writing style

  • We use British English.
  • One image at least every 300 words. Data sources OR screenshots (charts, graphs, etc.). Avoid sourcing from another website.
  • One internal link every 300 words.
  • Paragraphs no more than 3 lines.
  • Technical and professional tone. But don’t use overcomplicated language.
  • Straight to the point, no waffle (but it is OK to be funny).
  • Actionable and genuinely helpful.
  • Don’t capitalise titles. Just the first letter of the first word.
  • Include case studies if possible.
  • Bold the most important part of a paragraph.
  • Mix standard text, bullet points and numbered lists.


Other guidelines

  • MeasureMinds Group owns the rights to all content published on the site. Content cannot be published elsewhere.
  • One link in the body to a blog of your choice and one link in your bio to your homepage.
  • Don’t use AI to write your entire article.
  • Review the entire article using Hemingway Editor.
  • Review the article in Grammarly.

We look forward to receiving your inquiry. Please keep in mind we offer no guarantee that we will publish your content.