Digital analytics tools by MeasureMinds

We create apps to automate processes & empower people with data

Create a tool

We’re Google Cloud platform experts

Google Analytics
Google Tag
Google Ads
Looker Studio

We are experts in…

Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager & the Google Cloud Platform

Automate a process

Brands we’ve worked with

We love Google Tag Manager so much that we create free tools!

Google Tag Manager export tool

Watch our GTM cleaner tool explainer video

Apps powered by Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, CRO and SEO experts

Google Analytics

Google Tag Manager



Do you have a digital marketing or data analytics process

that you’d like to automate or another app idea? Let us know!

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MeasureMinds apps & tools FAQ

As an innovative digital analytics agency, we like to use the power of automation to improve business efficiency. One of the first things we do for our clients is audit and consolidate the GTM container. This is a lengthy process and therefore we wanted to automate it.

Our tool follows the exact rules that we would follow, but it’s done automatically, meaning we can focus on other parts of your implementation and get things set up quicker for you.

Our apps so far have focused mainly on digital analytics, but we are happy to automate anything if it’s possible and logical. This is something we can do for our clients to create helpful resources that actually benefit users and drive natural links.

This obviously would depend on the size and complexity of the project. It’s also something that, so far, we have only offered to our GA, GTM, CRO or SEO clients.

That being said, we are definitely open to discussing a deal that would suit both parties. We are even open to collaborating on a project on a partner basis. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if any of these arrangements seem appropriate to you.

All of the tools that the MeasureMinds team have created are entirely free. We keep it this way because we love empowering people with data, giving back to the community and helping people to do their jobs better. It is possible to advance the field of digital analytics if we share knowledge and innovations.

This depends on the size and complexity of the project. However, as an example, our GTM Cleaner took about a month to complete.

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