4 clicks 2 Measurement – Analytics Automation @ SuperWeek

Phil Pearce
First published May 29th, 2015
Last updated March 29th, 2022
Learn how to easily automate your Analytics with Phil's 4 clicks and 2 Measurements presentation given at SuperWeek 2014.
4 clicks 2 Measurement – Analytics Automation @ SuperWeek



1. 4 clicks 2 measurement

2. 4 main task 1. KPIs (excel sheet) and Dev guide (word document) 2. GTM installation (generic containers) 3. GA configuration(goals & settings) 4. Dashboards (template library)

3. When working with large or “enterprise size” implementations…

4. I noticed… …Lots of similarities & repetition

5. There must be a way to get an implementation into shape… …Faster!

6. Start with 2 measurements

7. 2 measurements 1. Now 1. Later time

8. 1. KPI Shake for Breakfast bit.ly/kpishake

9. 2. Brunch bit.ly/gtmdevguide2

10. 3. Main Meal CMS Plugins and GTM auto-config files based on these plugins.

11. Plugins for WordPress New GTM interface [auto-config file] https://www.dropbox.com/s/hk1qja 1fdupzykk/WORDPRESS%20TEM PLATE%20- %20NEW%20interface.json?dl=0 Old GTM interface [auto-config file] https://www.dropbox.com/s/5pgyd6 w97iw0ntn/WORDPRESS%20TE MPLATE%20- %20OLD%20interface.json?dl=0 Reminder: open the import files in notepad, then find & replace “yourdomain” and “yourdomain.com” with YOURDOMAIN before import.

12. Plugins for Magento New GTM interface [auto-config file] https://www.dropbox.com/s/rr7xxo qq0wqevcw/MAGENTO%20- %20mapped%20to%20qubit%20- %20NEW%20interface.json?dl=0 Old GTM interface [auto-config file] https://www.dropbox.com/s/jc3280 8icck7kt7/MAGENTO%20- %20mapped%20to%20qubit%20- %20OLD%20interface.json?dl=0 Reminder: open the import files in notepad, then find & replace “yourdomain” and “yourdomain.com” with YOURDOMAIN before import.

13. Plugins with native Enhanced Ecommerce Magento (€35 – almost free!) https://codecanyon.net/item/actionable-google-analytics-for-magento/9899649 https://marketplace.magento.com/ analytics-enhanced-ecommerce-1.html

14. Install these 2 plugins: drupal.org/project/google_tag drupal.org/project/datalayer If using ecommerce add this aswell: drupal.org/project/commerce_google_tag_manager Plugins for Drupal { “drupalLanguage”: “en”, “userUid”: “555”, “entityId” : “123”, “entityLabel” : “My Cool Page”, “entityType” : “node”, “entityBundle” : “article”, “entityUid” : “555”, “entityTaxonomy” : { “my_vocab” : { “25” : “Term Name”, “26” : “Another Term” } } } The Drupal has a native JS api that can also be piggybacked: www.drupal.org/node/304258#drupal-settings plus.google.com/117298997433687198127/posts/Br7cVVkTdUZ New GTM interface [auto-config file] https://www.dropbox.com/s/uoa19t p8zjt4c03/DRUPAL%20- %20work%20in%20progress%20- %20NEW%20interface.json?dl=0 Reminder: open the import files in notepad, then find & replace “yourdomain” and “yourdomain.com” with YOURDOMAIN before import.

15. 4. GA configuration ? Shared Goal import ? GA Management API ? CSV DimensionWidening of productId`s (magneto only)

16. Dashboards Templates 5. Dessert

17. 6. Adwords Dynamic Remarketing Automatic adwords fitness enabled – out of the box Automatic

18. If you are still hungry for data? (i.e you are not full yet)

19. 7. Midnight Snacks… • Abandoned Revenue • Lead Scoring • IP append

20. See script library here… login: coolgtmstuff@gmail.com pw: philrulesgtm3

21. Auto-event config files – Any CMS New GTM interface [config file] https://www.dropbox.com/s/woak00y749jk36e/AUTO- EVENTS%20-%20NEW%20interface.json?dl=0 Old GTM interface [config file] https://www.dropbox.com/s/1rqt0w690yuiyh5/AUTO- EVENTS%20-%20OLD%20interface.json?dl=0 Note: WordPress & Drupal config files already contains auto-events Reminder: open the import files in notepad, then find & replace “yourdomain” and “yourdomain.com” with YOURDOMAIN before import.

22. Summary 7. Midnight Snacks 6. Automatic Excessive 5. Desert 4. Exercise/Goals 3. Main Meal 2. Brunch 1. Breakfast KPIs (excel sheet): Dev guide (word document): GTM installation (generic containers) GA configuration (goals & settings): Dashboards (template library) Adwords Dynamic Remarketing Custom Scripts WordPress Magento Drupal Automatic See script library here… login: coolgtmstuff@gmail.com pw: philrulesgtm2

23. Analytics in… 7 steps or 4 clicks 2 measurements fitness

24. Thanks

25. Free session recording! (1000 sessions per day) Here is the config files for yandex metrica… Yandex metric [config file] Bit.ly/yandexmetricagtm Also create Yandex Metrica Account Replace 99999 accountID with your accountID

26. Other Cool stuff https://www.dropbox.com/s/80xhpkfj39a5epw/SEO%20-%20audit%20v2.pdf https://www.dropbox.com/s/eu25o377af9xgmw/UK%20Cookie%20compliance%20Audit%20-%20Example.docx https://www.dropbox.com/s/i8w7yfz1hq3siw4/CRO%20-%20Feng-Gui%20Example.pdf https://www.dropbox.com/s/z308ef84a1rz2ia/Dev%20-%20GTM%20guide%20v3_7.pdf?n=9486393&oref=e https://www.dropbox.com/s/c35wuyh4dnriu7d/Ad_Mutation_Tool.accdb (MS access version of SpeedPPC) http://bit.ly/ppc-algo-desktop (1 excel file)

Phil Pearce
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