Results of Competition

Phil Pearce
First published October 17th, 2023
Last updated July 17th, 2024
Score your GTM container out of 10 for best practice with our tool. Find out who won our competition for best GTM container too!
Results of Competition

Introducing our new tool This new tool produced by the MeasureMinds team allows you to score your GTM containers.


GTMgrader hall of fame

We held a competition at MeasureSummit, where our Phil Pearce gave the talk on GTAG within GTM: The What, Why and How.

If you’d like to watch the recordings of the event, please sign-up here.

For this competition, we said that the best score would receive a £250 Amazon gift card and runners-up would receive £100. Here’s our hall of fame, which is now locked!

gtmgrader hall of fame


Giacomo Galanti and Chris Nickol tied first place with a very respectable score of 6.6.


Giacomo Galanti, Advanced Data Analytics Specialist – GTM Expert.

I was wondering if it would be possible to donate my prize to a charity of your choice. I also wanted to express my sincere appreciation for the outstanding work of MeasureMinds and the generous sharing of your knowledge in this years.


Giacomo Galanti


Thanks for deciding to donate your prize to charity Giacomo! We donated to and and donation



Christian Nickol, Performance Marketing Manager.

Thanks so much! Has been great fun to participate.

Christian Nickol


We hope you enjoy your £250 Amazon voucher!


2nd place winner

Husain Mustansir, Head of Data

This is such great news, I am thrilled.

Wow! Thank you so much.

Husain Mustansir


Thanks for participating Husain.


Score distribution

If you didn’t win or think you scored really low, don’t worry! Here is the score distribution for all entrants. You’ll see the average score was quite low. Check below to see how you can improve your score.


gtmgrader_results distribution


How does work?

We analyse the features used in your GTM set-up and give you positive or negative points.

You can view what you need to improve via “get details” which is sent to your email.


How can you use

If you’re a marketing agency or a freelancer, you can use the GTM grader to quickly grade a client or prospective client’s GTM container. By doing this you can show what score they are currently at and what you can do to improve their score. It’s a free tool so use it as much as you want!


How can you improve your score?

One great way to improve your GTMgrader score is by having a container that is clear of unused tags, triggers and variables and has a uniform naming structure. We have a tool for that too! Use our GTMcleaner to perform a number of GTM best practice tasks with just a click of a button.


Missed Phil’s talk on GTAG within GTM?

If you missed Phil’s talk: GTAG within GTM – WTF! The What, Why and How!… We will be giving the talk again on the 7th of November.

Phil will cover:

  1. The history of GTAG – How did we get here?
  2. Definitions: What’s changed with GA4 tags in GTM
  3. Pros & cons
  4. Use case examples:
  5. GTM library examples


GTAG within gtm

Phil Pearce
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