User-Data Sessionisation

Phil Pearce
First published April 5th, 2024
Last updated April 9th, 2024
Explore Google's update on user-provided data collection, its impact, and innovative solutions for technical marketers.
User-Data Sessionisation

On a beautiful sunny day, I was working on a client’s case. It was related to user ID implementation. I was about to start, yet decided to scroll through my LinkedIn feed for a moment and saw multiple posts popping up that discussed the new Google update. Ouch.

The new update: Collecting user-provided data

Out of the blue, Google rolled it out, saying that you do not have to send a user ID if you collect user-provided data. They can take this data and create a hashed pseudonymized user ID instead.

The data you send is then matched with other Google data in a privacy-safe way – according to Google. *One eyebrow raised*. Ideally, this should help improve your data accuracy.

Here’s a look at the official update from Google:

official update on user-provided data without user ID

The benefits of user-provided data collection

Well, I understand the reasons for introducing it. Since we are saying goodbye to 3d-party cookies, Google wants to future-proof your setup by using first-party data. This update means that you can connect your users’ behaviour across different sessions and on various devices and platforms without the need for a user ID.

Additionally, this new way of user-provided data collection activates enhanced conversions support for GA4 conversions (*cough*, Key Events) as well as provides demographic & interest reporting based on first-party data.

information on user-provided data collection enabling enhanced conversions

Things to consider if you decide to use this feature

This all sounds like sunshine & rainbows, but there are some caveats here.

The first thing to remember is that you MUST link your GA4 & GAds account to collect user-provided data.

According to their documentation, acknowledging the feature policy is permanent. Uff, I can feel the pressure here.

message on acknowledging the feature policy is permanent

You cannot use it with your app data streams – at least for now.

user-provided data is only available for web data streams

After enabling it, user IDs will NOT be available in event-level and user-level data that BigQuery exports. Google claims this will be supported later on in open beta.

The process of user data sessionisation

I would say I need more time to process this update. Another sip of coffee. What concerns me most is user data sessionisation. So, I could theoretically set up a user ID along with user-provided data collection, but how would my data be stitched? If you provide multiple user-data types, Analytics will prioritise them in the following order:

  1. email,
  2. phone,
  3. name
  4. address

Moreover, if a user visits your website and you’ve decided to use this new feature to collect their data, and then later you send a user ID together with this data, Analytics will recognise these as 2 DIFFERENT users. Looks like a mess.

It would be better if Google just added a new backend sessionsation process so there are three identifiers:

  1. sha256_email
  2. user_id
  3. device_id

Rather than two:

  1. sha256_email OR user_id
  2. device_id

The solution

So, the team united their superpowers to find the most efficient solution in this case. As you can see, this new feature does not solve a problem yet creates it. Additionally, sending a user ID with this new feature will BREAK your sessions and will KILL the flow of data user ID into BigQuery.

The team came up with 2 possible workarounds:

1. To set up user_id_2 and add it as a custom definition in GA4. In this case, you send the additional information you need without calling it a user ID.

2. Save the hashed email as a cookie and then BOTH user ID & the hashed email as identifiers; you must always send them TOGETHER.

The user ID is usually available only when a user is logged in. This is why we need to save the hashed email (let’s say a user submitted a form before) as a cookie so that we could access it when a user logs in.

3. To make the solution as robust for cross-device tracking the team also recommends asking your developer to update login pages in your CMS (such as WordPress) or your App to expose value. This is because the cookie method mentioned above, won’t work if the user is on 2 different devices, or surfing in Mobile Web and Mobile App. Thus we recommend exposing these 2 lines as well, to maximise data quality and matching rates:

dataLayer.push({ “”, // Add this line
  user_data.phone_number: “+44771234569”, // Add this line
  user_id”: “9999999”

Searching for some additional info, I came across this warning:

user-provided data collection is in beta

Well, fun times. Just another day in the life of a technical marketer.

I will keep you updated after running some tests. Let me know your thoughts (I believe in the superpower of community).

Bonus tip for banking websites that want additional security: we recommend exposing ONLY the hashed value in JS dataLayer to prevent other trackers (e.g. Tiktok) from reading the unhashed value without permission:

    “user_data”: {
        “sha256_email_address”: “XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX”,
        “sha256_phone_number”: “XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX”,
        “address”: {
            “sha256_first_name”: “XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX”,
            “sha256_last_name”: “XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX”,
            “sha256_postal_code”: “XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX”,
        “new_customer”: true,
        “customer_lifetime_value”: 100.00
    “user_id”: “9999999”,
    “event”: “user_provided_data”

Phil Pearce
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