A study of digital data about yourself

Phil Pearce
First published May 29th, 2015
Last updated April 12th, 2021
A study of digital data about yourself



1. A study of digital data about yourself!

2. Agenda – 45mins 1. Definition of Social Capital 2. Personal Hypothesis 3. Tools & Results/Scores 4. Offline Skills test 5. Demo of MouseTracking and GA dashboard 6. Skype Call to Industry experts 7. Questions

3. Prerequisites You will need… • PC/Laptop with internet • Facebook account (Pls login) • Twitter account • Linkedin account

4. If you don’t know what the product is, then YOU are the product! https://blogs.wsj.com/digits/2011/08/24/steve-jobss-best-quotes/ Referring to…

5. So how much are YOU worth? … using data.

6. But first… a Magic Trick I need 2 volunteers (you need a laptop/ipad)

7. Magic Trick “Search for a phrase in box” “Select any word on a page”

8. What is your Social Currency value? _currency_of_the_new_economy_is_trust?lang uage=en

9. Social Currency Examples Two sided marketplaces of buyers and sellers • Ebay (higher trust rating = more orders) • TaskRabit • Uber Taxis • Kickstarter • SpareRoom Plus • Forums (google groups) • GitHub (code collaboration) Ratings with Marketplaces would have a value outside of the marketplace! e.g Top Contributor or 5/5 from 750 reviews

10. Before Starting… Hypothesis • What do “I” think I am good at. [Hobbies or stuff done in free time] • Where have “I” worked or done well. [e.g Grades or Work Experience]

11. My work journey…

12. Was at… www.linkedin.com/in/philpearce

13. Search results insight

14. Google Yourself on google images “Dave Gorman”

15. Who does Google think am I?

16. What does Google know about me? Google for “Google Ad Settings” https://www.google.com/ads/preferences/html/blocked-cookies.html

17. What does Google know about me? (not logged-in) Nay!

18. Nay! Yah! Click to see what Google thinks are your interests…

19. What does Google know about me? (logged-in) Yah!

20. Social data insight

21. Sign into Facebook Go to… 1. labs.five.com 2. Press “Analyse my posts” 3. Save the URL (e.g. labs.five.com/i6p57kfn85tb) Disclaimer: I not associated with labs.five.com, they just happen to have a cool tool.

22. What is my Facebook character?

23. Pls submit scores on GoogleForm… bit.ly/bathuniform

24. Aggregated results (based on Facebook posts)

25. What does Facebook think I like? http://www.wolframalpha.com/facebook/

26. LinkedIn journey… (tool depreciated) https://engineering.linkedin.com/

27. What do I share on twitter? (tool not currently working) tweetpsych.com Try twitalyzer.com

28. twitalyzer.com

29. Do people/companies recommend & trust me?

30. How much energy did I use at MeasureCamp Event? 176% of energy target reached ? Live activity feed: flow.polar.com/training/ profiles/4827896

31. Psychometric data insight

32. “flag page” 20 question survey… www.flagpage.com

33. “eHarmony” 100 question survey…

34. 180 question “Clifton-gollup” strength test results… strengthstestapp.workuno.com/freesf10.html

35. aka Phils version of 360 degree-employee reviews Peer reviews insight

36. Are you on Linkedin?

37. LinkedIn Endorsements Game

38. Online challenge & Gamificaiton

39. Real world example of Social endorsements

40. …and what does my iCard look like? How do I view myself?

41. Questions… Me…

42. Friends & Family said…

43. Conclusion:

44. Or maybe… ?

45. Magic Trick Result “Search for a phrase in box” “Select any word on a page”

46. Skype call to Analyst`s in the field…

47. Where do Bath Business & Marketing Grads end up…

48. Thanks & Questions?

49. Excel: PPC algo & rank & reach tool MS Access: PPC database & Tea Rota PowerPoint: Dark Analytics presentation & Effects of cookie law Reports/Audits: SEO, PPC, CRO, Analytics and Cookie law. Examples of work

50. Appendix

51. Avatar app

52. Who am I?

53. Analytics Career Development Analysis of oneself TYPE: FOCUS: LANGUAGE: TAGS: x Beginner q Intermediate q Advanced Phil Pearce Senior Analyst @philpearce “I eat hits for breakfast” LEVEL: q Workshop x Short Presentation x Discussion q Technical q Analytical x Business English #MoreMoney #UpSkill Open discussion and feedback on my Social CV (aka quantified self) project welcome. • Live demos & comparisons of your: • Facebook fivescores • Twitter psych • Linkedin endorsements • Clifton-gallup strengths test • Comparisons of best training resources. Slides: bit.ly/analysisofme Richard Fergie Consultant @richardfergie

Phil Pearce
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