13 Enterprise SEO Skills That Improve Your Team & Traffic

Raisul Islam
First published March 14th, 2024
Last updated June 5th, 2024
Master enterprise SEO skills to boost team performance & web traffic with 13 expert tips for large-scale SEO success.
13 Enterprise SEO Skills That Improve Your Team & Traffic

In the world of SEO, stepping into enterprise SEO is like switching games entirely. You’re juggling millions of pages and aiming not for mere traffic but solid brand presence. It’s complex, vast, and requires a clever mix of skills beyond the basics.


What is enterprise SEO & how is it different from traditional SEO?

Enterprise SEO is designed for large businesses with websites consisting of lots of web pages. It’s about making these pages appear higher in search results for specific keywords. This type of SEO deals with more than just a few pages; it’s about handling thousands or even millions of them, making sure the whole company’s online presence is strong.

What sets enterprise SEO apart from the traditional SEO? Scale and complexity. In a big company, you must work with marketing, IT, and content teams to improve the website. It’s not just about targetting certain keywords; it’s about enhancing the whole website’s experience so it attracts more traffic and helps the business succeed.


13 expert-recommended enterprise SEO skills for digital marketing success

Fifteen SEO experts, from SEO managers to CEOs, shared what they think are essential skills for enterprise SEO. From leveraging user data to integrating SEO with other digital marketing strategies, these insights reveal the profound impact of specialised skills on enterprise SEO outcomes. Discover the full spectrum of expertise in this comprehensive guide to mastering enterprise SEO.


Leveraging user data

To boost our team’s effectiveness and increase organic traffic, we need to become pros at analysing user data and understanding what it all means.

I was working with an e-commerce brand housing a massive range of products that spanned over 800,000 pages.

To find traffic opportunities, we implemented custom tracking and tagging to gather granular data about user behaviour, conversion paths, and engagement metrics.

Leveraging this pool of data, we pinpointed pages suffering from technical issues like slow loading times and indexing hiccups, allowing us to hone in and fix issues swiftly, giving priority to pages that would yield the most significant results.

This resulted in an increase in organic traffic and an overall improvement in conversion rates from 3.1% to 4% in six months.

Dustin Porreca, SEO Manager, HERO-SEO

Dustin Porreca - Featured


Operations management boosting efficiency

I worked as the international SEO lead at Canva, which has one of the largest SEO teams in the world.

I believe that operations management is one of the most critical aspects of enterprise SEO. This is because of the size of SEO teams in large organisations (SEO teams can comprise engineers, data scientists, language managers, designers, plus a variety of SEO specialists) and the number of stakeholders involved in projects.

At Canva, we hired an operations lead with experience in managing technical programs. The improvements they made to operational efficiency and processes meant that we could ship projects much faster than before and stay ahead of our competitors.

Sam Ficek, Founder, Sam Ficek SEO

Sam Ficek - Featured


Fostering cross-team collaboration

Being able to collaborate across teams is essential to getting results in SEO.

For many technical tasks in SEO, the collaboration of the dev team is necessary. Often, it’s required to pitch and get on their priority task list to get things done. This is especially true when working on improving speed, programmatic pages, or technical issues.

Collaborating across departments is also crucial to gain expertise from other departments for articles, content, and link-building. We use a number of services to look for quotes and get team members featured in various publications. This not only helps in acquiring more high-quality links but also aids in building relationships internally.

Nick Malekos, SEO Manager, LearnWorlds

Nick Malekos - Featured


Implementing “silos” for structured SEO

Understanding and implementing “Silos” is the most critical enterprise SEO skill in my experience. Silos is a method of grouping related information on your website to establish its keyword relevance. This approach significantly enhances website traffic because it aligns with how search engines index and rank content.

I turned to the concept of “Silos” to enhance our website structure. This involved an organised grouping of our related product pages under specific, targeted keywords.

The outcome was a dual-fold benefit: our website became more user-friendly, and our rankings on search engines saw an improvement. Following this modification, we were able to record a substantial surge in website traffic, which subsequently led to a rise in our conversion rates.

David Rubie-Todd, Co-Founder and Marketing Head, Sticker It

David Rubie-Todd - Featured


Mastering collaborative documentation

Collaborative documentation skills are a very important enterprise SEO skill. The ability to write clear, concise plans for each SEO project is a crucial skill in enterprise SEO. This skill involves detailing the current state of things, what changes are needed, who’s responsible, when it should be done, and why, all on just a few pages.

This document then becomes an essential tool for teamwork by acting as a base for other experts to provide their insights and ensuring that your view of the necessary work matches with other team members. It’s also great to clearly outline what resources are needed and who does what, so everyone involved in the project understands and agrees.

Our SEO team always uses this method for a major SEO initiative. We start by holding a meeting early in the project with all key players to go over the plan. This approach leads to more thorough feedback and stronger commitment from the team, which in turn improves our SEO performance.

Precious Abacan, Digital Marketing Manager, Softlist

Precious Abacan - Featured


Communicating SEO results effectively

Results communication is a very important enterprise SEO skill. In enterprise SEO, you’re not just explaining SEO outcomes to fellow SEO experts or even marketers. Rather, you will have to communicate with individuals and stakeholders who might have never used Google Search Console or are only vaguely familiar with Google Analytics. Often, they possess a limited or outdated understanding of Google and its ever-evolving algorithms. This is the reason why a good SEO specialist needs to be a good results communicator.

In my experience, it becomes our team’s responsibility to not only analyse but also effectively communicate the impact of any initiative related to SEO. It’s about breaking down complex data into understandable insights for those who might not be well-versed in the technicalities of SEO. I recommend simplifying the SEO information without diluting its essence. This involves translating the intricate details of SEO campaigns into clear, concise language.

James McNally, Managing Director, SDVH [Self Drive Vehicle Hire]

James Mcnally - Featured


Prioritising analytics as the foundation

These days, SEO plays a crucial, if not essential, role in digital marketing initiatives. Make SEO your top priority if you want your brand to appear highly in search engine results, have comprehensive online visibility, and generate as much traffic as possible to your website.

Since analytics is how professionals measure success, it forms the basis of SEO. To read and evaluate the material that has been retrieved, they must comprehend the data. To consistently succeed, SEO specialists should use analytics on your website and take the appropriate actions at the correct times.

Since SEO is a report-based procedure, an analyst or professional cannot keep track of your advantages and disadvantages. They obtain data by signing into Adobe or Google Analytics and saving time.

Business KPIs are essential knowledge for specialists to use effective SEO methods. If they cannot retrieve and segment data, you often lose out on valuable insights.

Tristan Harris, Demand Generation Senior Marketing Manager, Thrive Digital Marketing Agency

Tristan Harris - Featured


Technical SEO analysis driving traffic

The ability to analyse complex site architecture and technical patterns to identify high-priority optimisation opportunities is invaluable for enterprise SEO. For example, our team inherited a site with thousands of outdated category and product pages, diluting relevance signals.

By auditing the technical setup and URL structures, we uncovered widespread indexing bloat. We streamlined the information architecture and consolidated pages using canonical tags—pruning thousands of redundant pages. Not only did this improve crawl efficiency, but it also directed authority to pages that moved the revenue needle.

In the first month post-consolidation, category page traffic increased by over 30%. By leveraging technical analysis skills to hone in on issues creating friction and misdirection, we successfully overhauled the site’s foundation. The impact of focusing on the right priorities was transformative for our enterprise SEO results.

Vikrant Shaurya, CEO, Authors On Mission

Vikrant Shaurya - Featured


Revolutionising keyword research

In my experience, one critical enterprise SEO skill that stands out is in-depth keyword research and optimisation. It’s the backbone of SEO success. For instance, we once revamped our entire content strategy based on long-tail, low competition keywords. The results were astonishing.

Our team’s efficiency skyrocketed because we focused on less competitive keywords, which were easier to rank for. This approach not only improved our website’s traffic significantly but also enhanced user engagement. We saw a noticeable increase in organic traffic and improved rankings for several key terms. It goes to show how a strategic approach to SEO can lead to real, tangible benefits.

Krishna Rungta, Founder and CEO, guru99

Krishna Rungta - Featured


Creative writing elevating SEO rankings

In content creation, a critical skill for increasing website traffic is having the ability to write creatively within a specific set of boundaries. What I mean by that is, even though specific topics must be covered, being able to write in a unique way, in comparison to the other articles in the SERP, gives Google more reason to rank your article.

This creative writing needs to include examples, scenarios, and personal or brand experiences. While Google might not “state” this as a ranking factor, you will notice their new generative AI feature showcases articles that meet this criteria.

Jason Vaught, Director of Content, SmashBrand

Jason Vaught - Featured


Creating high-quality website copy

A critical SEO goal for large companies is to create high-quality website content, which inevitably positively affects SEO results. Producing such detailed and precise copy content also leads to heightened team performance, as it requires writers to bring their best work, resulting in written success and professional accomplishment.

In a real-life situation where I applied the objective of high-quality content creation, I asked my staff to craft copy with the intent to inform as much as possible and with careful attention to subject matter focus. We aimed not just to put words on a screen but to establish ourselves as a credible source of usable information that readers will seek out on future occasions. Through deliberate word choices and fine-tuned attention to detail, my staff found themselves challenged but proud of their results.

My best advice is to pair well-researched SEO keywords with purposeful website copy. By doing so, we added to our overall reputation as a dependable organisation that really knows its stuff.

Stefan Campbell, Owner, The Small Business Blog

Stefan Campbell - Featured


Enhancing usability for SEO performance

Improving website usability and user experience significantly enhances team performance and website traffic. By optimising page layout, navigation, and overall design, businesses can increase organic search traffic and reduce bounce rates.

For example, our team redesigned our website to improve navigation and user engagement. This resulted in a 15% increase in organic search traffic and a 20% decrease in bounce rates, leading to improved SEO performance.

Ben Lau, Founder, Featured SEO Company

Ben Lau - Featured


Integrating SEO with digital marketing

Leveraging SEO across other digital marketing channels is crucial for a holistic approach that ensures SEO efforts are not isolated. Instead, they complement and are reinforced by other marketing activities like social media, email marketing, and paid search.

In a previous project, I closely collaborated with the social media team to align our keyword strategy with their content calendar. This integration meant that the social media posts supported and amplified our targeted keywords, leading to a more cohesive online presence.

As a result, we observed a notable increase in both organic search traffic and social media engagement. This synergy not only improved our website’s search engine ranking but also enhanced the overall effectiveness of our digital marketing strategy.

Harry Boxhall, Squarespace SEO Consultant, Boxhall Marketing Ltd

Harry Boxhall - Featured


Need help with enterprise SEO?

Running SEO campaigns for big enterprises takes a lot of work. You’re dealing with millions of pages and ever-changing Google algorithms. It takes time to see results. Plus, there’s the need for budgets, technical know-how, and getting different marketing teams to work together. All this while trying to make sure your brand stands out online.

That’s where MeasureMinds Group’s enterprise SEO service comes in. We offer tailored help to make your SEO work smarter and better. With our team, you get custom strategies, content scaling, and regular checks to keep you on track.

Raisul Islam
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