PPC Growth Hacking (@SuperWeek 2014)

Phil Pearce
First published May 29th, 2015
Last updated April 5th, 2023
Check out Phil Pearce's PPC growth hacking presentation at SuperWeek 2014. View the slides and read the transcript.
PPC Growth Hacking (@SuperWeek 2014)



1. PPC Growth Hacking/Cheating Strategies for explosive growth

2. Welcome Phil Pearce PPC and Analytics Expert Freelancer @philpearce phil@precisionppc.me www.linkedin.com/in/philpearce Academy (UK) 750 GA questions answered #PPCGrowthHacking #SPWK

3. Fun fact, I`m an Identical Twin… ”I successfully cloned myself to increase my productivity” 😉

4. Agenda 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Traditional PPC model What is Growth Hacking + Examples What is PPC growth hacking + Examples Learnings & Cross industry examples So… Apply it to my Website Take aways Resources

5. What is PPC Growth? Adwords Marketing Conversion Data Sales Growth Repeat until CPA threshold reached Classic model 1. Create new marketing campaign. 2. If CPA data is within target threshold = then growth achieved 3. Then Increase marketing. Repeat above steps, until threshold reached.

6. What is Growth Hacking for PPC? Adwords Marketing Product Data And… needs to be Scalable, Repeatable and Sustainable. Note: “Product” could be value-proposition or incentives Growth Hacking

7. So…

8. PPC is limited by CPA curve 2x Conversions = 4x CPA! (not sustainable)

9. Although… ~free assists sales growth… • When creating a GA custom Multi Channel funnel report, be aware that Landing page & Google Organic KW not available (i.e not easy to separate Brand/Non-Brand SEO for above example).

10. But… PPC growth for start-ups is expensive!

11. Rapid growth using PPC, that is that sustainable? Yes, its possible… • I`ve done it before! ? super affiliate with 90% ppc and active for 5+years

12. But… • You need to achieve Product Market Fit before starting a growth campaign. • Will anyone by your Product? • If you stopped trading would 40%+ users complain? Link to Product Market Fit test: https://survey.io/

13. Ok… So you have passed Product market fit test/interview. Now what?…

14. Jump into Growth Hacking? Growth hacking is a set of tactics adopted by startups which leverage creativity, analytical data & viral marketing to sell products and gain exposure. Growth hackers focus on “low-cost“, “high impact” alternatives to traditional marketing. They utilise techniques such as SEO, content marketing, online PR, email marketing, web analytics & CRO testing. Ref : wikipedia.org/wiki/Growth_hacking

15. What is Growth Hack-er? A growth hacker is a person whose true north is GROWTH. EVERYTHING they do is scrutinised by its potential impact on scalable growth. Great growth hackers can come from: • Engineering/Development • Sales backgrounds • or Analytics backgrounds

16. How do you know when you find one? The key is they MUST have the ability to 1. take responsibility for growth 2. have an entrepreneurial drive 3. be regimented about the process of prioritising ideas (their own and others in the company) 4. then quickly test & refine these ideas … to find a sustainable hack. www.startup-marketing.com/where-are-all-the-growth-hackers/

17. Lastly resourcefulness! What could you do with just €100 (not thousands) to achieve growth?

18. PPC Growth Hacking Ideas… 1. Standard Adwords $1 * 100 clicks? 2. Open 2 Adwords accounts $50*2 + $150 credits 3. Trending News phrases with Don’t Click this Advert Campaign = 100 clicks, but 10,000 impressions & PR story. http://www.icrossing.com/uk/digital-experiences http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eVU60NRuOJo It leverages the Changes in the Algo for New advertisers in first 2weeks

19. Other ideas Ask users to create ads for you… Task: Tell a Joke using 25 characters + 70 characters. Humour Examples : Super Vacuum Cleaners Your Dirty Language is the Only thing it cant Clean! supervacuumcleaners.com/super-vacuum-cleaners Task: Write a poem using 25 characters + 70 characters. 100 Advert poems = 0 Clicks, but 10,000 PR visits – Write your own poem, show to 100 of people.

20. PPC Algo https://www.dropbox.com/s/q8mp5ygm19y0xcp/03%20phils_google_adwords_ppc_algo%20NEW%20defaulted%20to%20mobile.xlsx

21. Growth Hacking examples • • • • • Hotmail – P.S. I love you AirB&B – Made a Craigslist api. Drobbox – Refer a friend Facebook – Exclusive network appeal Twitter – follow celebrities Read more examples: https://www.slideshare.net/matt angriffel/growth-hacking

22. What is Growth Hacking for PPC? Adwords Marketing Product Data And… needs to be Scalable, Repeatable and Sustainable. Note: “Product” could be value-proposition or incentives Growth Hacking

23. What is PPC growth… … And is`nt “growth at low cost CPA” in mature markets impossible?

24. No, not impossible but really hard!

25. Compare and Save example 1. Reverse Economies of scale due to CPA tiers 2. BPF: Google +3% kickback +5%growth kicker 3. Regulation preventing Direct Players writing good ads (e.g must mention APR variable) 4. User confusion – 1st Advert not clear it was paid (compare to now). 5. Display URL that had Call-to-action within it (save-here-now.com) 6. Very high CTR on generic terms 7. Obsession over one metric: CTR (no conversion tracking in early days) 8. Algo that rewarded volume with lower cpc (e.g CTR 50% weighting)

26. Compare and Save example continued… 1. Explosive growth 2. Position 1 became cheaper than position4! (This is due to CTR factoring, and t the time position preference) 3. Exceeded all CPA tiers. 4. Also built strong relations with Direct providers, offering state of the market reports, to add value. But it would never work now 🙁

27. But it would never work now 🙁 Due to reduced ppc CTR on SERP and all-time KW level QS decay

28. Luck / Improvisation / Flexibility

29. Weapon of Choice PPC Tools https://www.dropbox.com/s/rlz9w5ob55mxk3c/01%20PPC%20list%20of%20tools.txt

30. Importance of a Great Team Tea boy & Product Specialist [Image of MI team] Creative Mean Developer Marketer Hot Data Scientist

31. But… its like music – some of the best tunes are mixes of other peoples work. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael _Jackson%27s_Thriller

32. Product Idea • Bid by Quality score (for Charities using Google Grants) • Hack might be “prove to donators that Fund well spent”

33. Growth Hacking a PPC tool… Have you Heard of “Battleships”?”

34. Growth Hacking a PPC tool… Download CTR battleships https://www.dropbox.com/s/f04fr0431ilwjfk/CTR%20battleships%20printable%20grid%20-%20GrowthHacking.pdf

35. Growth Hacking a PPC tool… Adwords Marketing (capture/test initial lead) Product (Variation on QS grader) Adwords API Data And… needs to be Scalable, Repeatable and Sustainable. Same product but different UI/Landing page – value proposition tweaked and made fun / viral… e.g every one likes to show off 🙂 Growth Hacking

36. Growth Hacking a PPC tool… Or take a photo them holding the Prize! #ctrbattleships Winner must tweet winning strategy #ctrbattleships Download CTR battleships https://www.dropbox.com/s/f04fr0431ilwjfk/CTR%20battleships%20printable%20grid%20-%20GrowthHacking.pdf

37. Also… Test hacks internally & see if they win. [Image of the A team]

38. Learn from failed Hacks VacuumCleaners4u.com (1999) “Free vs Fast postage example” InkinaBlink.com (1999) SEO link buying penalties (e.g. RapGenius)

39. Account level Tests/Hacks {Param2} Article by Chad Somerville

40. Click Fraud Tool – I built (using 3rd party call data & mathematics) This equates to: • 39% of Spend over 60 refunded • 3% over 18month log duration. Equates to: Download template here: Bit.ly/clickrefundtemplate

41. The Catch22: Disclaimer Its not entirely Google Fault… No Click2Call Conversion Data (CallMetrics) = Increase in Invalid Clicks But client unable to enable CallMetrics No inbound API for submitting structure data to Google, and no gclid lookup.

42. Auto campaigns (Free version of SpeedPPC that I built) https://www.dropbox.com/s/k4ffvnpxfz843vz/Ad_Mutation_Tool%20-%20Basic.accdb (MS access)

43. PPC growth hack to test Search from mobile Lead capture via QR code – invoke vCard SMS to Win. App download via Paid search

44. PPC Growth Hacking/Cheating

45. Your mission should you choose to accept it…

46. So… Apply it to my Website Not so easy… Hack needs to be customised to fix business.

47. Quesitons

48. Resources e.g. Growth Hacker TV (join)

49. Don’t Hang around then!

50. Don’t share this PPC video… bit.ly/ppc-rap (Turn up sound)

51. GTM dev guide: bit.ly/gtmdevguide And join GTM community on Google+ bit.ly/gtmcommunity

52. Report Automation (Require Adwords API key) Gazel for Excel using Free trial. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bZYOuxgCzWQ

Phil Pearce
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